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dc.contributor.authorHallit, Souheil
dc.contributor.authorAkiki, Maria
dc.contributor.authorHallit, Rabih
dc.contributor.authorObeid, Sahar
dc.contributor.authorMalaeb, Diana
dc.identifier.citationAkiki M, Obeid S, Salameh P, Malaeb D, Akel M, Hallit R, Hallit S. Association Between Computer Vision Syndrome, Insomnia, and Migraine Among Lebanese Adults: The Mediating Effect of Stress. Prim Care Companion CNS Disord. 2022 Aug 11;24(4):21m03083. doi: 10.4088/PCC.21m03083.en_US
dc.description.abstractObjective: Computer vision syndrome (CVS) refers to a group of ocular and extraocular symptoms due to prolonged digital device screen use. The objective of this study was to assess the correlation between CVS, insomnia, and migraine, taking into consideration stress as a mediating factor between these 3 variables. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted between August 2020 and April 2021 using an online questionnaire filled out by 749 participants. Participants were enrolled using a snowball sampling technique. The link to the Arabic questionnaire was sent to the individuals by WhatsApp and by e-mail. Results: The prevalence of CVS among participants was 70.5%. The presence of CVS (β = 3.26) was significantly associated with higher insomnia. The presence of CVS (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] = 1.66) and higher stress (aOR = 1.09) was significantly associated with higher odds of having migraine. Stress fully mediated the association between CVS and migraine by 52.76% and between CVS and insomnia by 79.99%. Conclusion: CVS was significantly associated with insomnia and migraine. Stress mediated the relationship between CVS and insomnia, and between CVS and migraine. The precise mechanisms behind these associations were not evaluated in this study, with the hope that future research will provide more information on this topic.en_US
dc.titleAssociation Between Computer Vision Syndrome, Insomnia, and Migraine Among Lebanese Adults: The Mediating Effect of Stressen_US
dc.source.journalThe Primary Care Companion for CNS Disordersen_US
dc.contributor.researcherExternal Collaborationen_US
dc.source.indexOther indexen_US
dc.contributor.firstauthorAkiki, Maria

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