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dc.contributor.authorBalfaqih, Mohammed
dc.contributor.authorIsmail, M
dc.contributor.authorNordin, R
dc.contributor.authorbalfagih, zain
dc.descriptionThe demand for real-time applications such as short video clips of CCTVs on a roadway, raises the need of for seamless and ubiquitous Internet connectivity in vehicular networks. Wireless Access in Vehicular Environment (WAVE) architecture defines the IPv6 mobility protocols to be deployed in network layer. However, the Current IP mobility management protocols, including Proxy Mobile IPv6 (PMIPv6), employ a centralized and single anchor to register MU's location information and establish communication which causes excessive burden on that central anchor. Recently, Distributed Mobility Management (DMM) based on PMIPv6 has been introduced to overcome these problems. In this paper, we investigate the vehicle velocity effect in urban environment where a map within the city of Bangi is taken. We compare the handover performance of network-based DMM with PMIPv6 in aspects of handover latency, session recovery, packet loss and throughput. The results show that network-based DMM outperforms PMIPv6 slightly.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe demand for real-time applications such as short video clips of CCTVs on a roadway, raises the need of for seamless and ubiquitous Internet connectivity in vehicular networks. Wireless Access in Vehicular Environment (WAVE) architecture defines the IPv6 mobility protocols to be deployed in network layer. However, the Current IP mobility management protocols, including Proxy Mobile IPv6 (PMIPv6), employ a centralized and single anchor to register MU's location information and establish communication which causes excessive burden on that central anchor. Recently, Distributed Mobility Management (DMM) based on PMIPv6 has been introduced to overcome these problems. In this paper, we investigate the vehicle velocity effect in urban environment where a map within the city of Bangi is taken. We compare the handover performance of network-based DMM with PMIPv6 in aspects of handover latency, session recovery, packet loss and throughput. The results show that network-based DMM outperforms PMIPv6 slightly.en_US
dc.subjectIEEE Keywords Handover , Urban areas , IP networks , Packet loss , Protocolsen_US
dc.subjectINSPEC: Controlled Indexing closed circuit television , Internet , IP networks , mobility management (mobile radio) , protocols , vehicular ad hoc networksen_US
dc.subjectINSPEC: Non-Controlled Indexing network-based DMM , real-time applications , ubiquitous Internet connectivity , vehicular networks , IPv6 mobility protocols , network layer , centralized anchor , single anchor , central anchor , distributed mobility management , handover performance evaluation , distributed network-based mobility management , centralized mobility management , vehicular urban environment , short video clips , CCTV , wireless access-in-vehicular environment architecture , WAVE architecture , IP mobility management protocols , proxy mobile IPv6 , MU location informationen_US
dc.subjectAuthor Keywords DMM , PMIPv6 , Hanodver Performance , IP Mobility , Urban Environmenten_US
dc.titleHandover performance evaluation of centralized and distributed network-based mobility management in vehicular urban environmenten_US
dc.contributor.researcherExternal Collaborationen_US
dc.contributor.labArtificial Intelligence & Cyber Security Laben_US
dc.contributor.departmentComputer Scienceen_US
dc.contributor.firstauthorBalfaqih, Mohammed

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