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    Husain, Mohammad Khalid; Saeed, Wizra; Nisar, Shagufta; Itani, Khadija; Umar Khan, Muhammad; Department Collaboration; College collaboration; External Collaboration; NA; 0; et al. (2024-10-23)
    This study's objective is to identify the demands of elderly adults and the measurements that need to be taken quickly before the issue becomes exponentially worse. It is focused on determining the mental health issues faced by elderly adults. Using thematic analysis, exploratory qualitative research design was used to attain the study's objectives.Data was collected from Faisalabad and Toba Tek Singh districts of Punjab province of Pakistan from May 2022 to July 2022. The sample of this study was comprised of n=21 participants using a purposeful sampling technique. All the participants were selected to be aged≥65. The semi-structured interview methods were used for data collection. This study identified the numerous problems and needs of elder adults. Themes included in this study are “Elder adults face the problem of poor relationships,” “Older adults live alone,” “Face challenges and Struggle for financial need”, “Misbehavior of children with older adults”, “Worries increase in old age”, “Difficulties come with age”, “Needs basic requirements, love, and care” and “Pray that children should be obedient”. The findings were that older adults need care, love, and basic requirements and want a happy life with children. Older adults face the problems of loneliness and financial difficulties, and they worry about children's misbehavior. They pray that their children will be obedient, and must live with their parents. Therefore, as youngsters, we must focus on older adults for their needs and solve their problems. It isconcluded that elderly people face various issues (personal, interpersonal, societal, and economics-related), and their needs are deprived when they experience loneliness at home and are not entertained by their family members properly.

    Khalid, Mohammad; Rashad, Nehal; Balilah, Mawaddah; Alfahal, Nassreen; Qubouri, Roa; University Collaboration; NA; 0; 0; General Education; et al. (2024-11-27)

    Khalid, Mohammad; Abdulraquib, Salwa; University Collaboration; NA; 0; 0; General Education; 2; Abdulraquib, Huda (Al-Qantara, 2024-10-22)
    This study magnifies the importance of adoption of the Blue Ocean Strategy (BOS) in the universities of Saudi Arabia. The core idea is to identify the strategic tendencies of such universities to develop unique market spaces for attaining a competitive edge. The study employed a qualitative research methodology in the shape of conducting semi-structured interviews with senior faculty members, researchers, and policy makers/administratorsfrom both public and private universities. This is in addition to strategic consultants associated to higher education sector. The research findings reveal an increasing interest among these Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) to adopting BOS principles as a way of recognizing themselves in a competitive academic marketplace and align with the objectives of Saudi Vision 2030. Some of the key results indicate that universities have attempted to prioritize innovation and new market development, but encountered obstacles such as bureaucratic administration, centralized decision making, cultural opposition, and the requirement for a more structured and sustainable approach to strategic innovation. This study calls upon the importance of resilient strategic management practices in higher education by offering suggestions for improving the implementation of BOS in a more effective way. It is highly recommended for the policy makers and strategic consultants to promote an innovative culture, through developing a participative decision-making management style and by reinforcing a proactive approach to come in partnership with the industry. Best practices of the developed and western world may ideally be replicated in the form of adoption of BOS in public and privateuniversities of Saudi Arabia.
  • Substratum of Collaborative Endeavors in Muslim Nations: An Evaluation and Islamic-Based Approach

    Khalid Husain, Mohammad; Nadvi, Muhammad Junaid; External Collaboration; NA; 0; 0; General Education; 0; Nadvi, Muhammad Junaid (Federal Urdu University of Arts, Science & Technology, 2024-06-30)
    This paper explores the critical theme of collaboration among Muslim-majority nations. Drawing from Islamic principles, this study investigates the underlying factors that hamper effective cooperation and proposes viable solutions. The Evaluation and Islamic-Based Approach adopted in this treatise is both informative and precise. It effectively conveys the focus of this research paper, highlighting the evaluation of collaborative efforts within Muslim nations from an Islamic perspective. It sets the look for a thoughtful examination of the underlying Substratum and approaches to collaboration in this context. In general, it appears to be a fitting and captivating research endeavor.
  • Understanding Mawdudi's Thought

    Husain, Mohammad Khalid; Nadvi, Muhammad Junaid; External Collaboration; NA; 0; 0; General Education; 0; Nadvi, Muhammad Junaid (National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad, Pakistan, 2024-06-30)
    This paper aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the ideology of Sayyid Abul A'la Mawdūdī, a prominent Islamic scholar and thinker of the 20th century. Focusing on Mawdūdī's religious, social, economic, and political ideas, the paper examines his contributions to Islamic thought and their relevance in contemporary perspectives. With a special focus, the paper explores Mawdūdī's interpretations of Islam, his vision for society and governance, and his critiques of modern ideologies. Additionally, the paper examines the controversies surrounding Mawdūdī's thought and offers insights gained from comparative analysis with other Islamic thinkers. By exploring Mawdūdī's intellectual legacy, this paper seeks to contribute to a deeper understanding of Islamic thought and its implications for contemporary Muslim societies. It seems that over the coming years the comprehension and influence of his thoughts will grow within the field of contemporary Islamic social sciences and he will be recognized as one of the most influential thinkers in contemporary world of Islam.
  • Linguistic Issues in the Arabic Translation of Patient Information Leaflets in the Saudi Context.

    Maherzi, Sena; maherzi, sena; No Collaboration; NA; NA; NA; General Education; NA; Maherzi, Sena (Arabic Translators International, 2014-04-28)
    Background: The study aims to analyse the specific linguistic issues found in the Arabic translation of 44 patient information leaflets (PILs) conveniently selected. This study is unique in that it highlights the importance of re-checking the official printed Arabic translation of these leaflets and suggests an alternative more lay-friendly translation in order to ensure that patients understand and properly use their medication. The study assumes that the suggested Arabic translation is more effective by answering than the official printed translation, i.e. the one appearing in the patient information leaflets. Methods: The study used two methods to collect data: a questionnaire and a semi-structured interview. Data were collected from 57 respondents to a Google questionnaire consisting of 16 questions about patients’ health awareness, the negative effects of errors in the Arabic translation, and respondents’ reactions to these errors. 77.2% respondents were females and 22.8% of them were males aged between 20-40 years (57.9%; 19.3%). A qualitative semi-structured interview with 9 pharmacists was also conducted to gain in-depth insight into their experience and views regarding the two translations: the printed official one and the suggested one. This interview consisted of 31 questions, soliciting information from the pharmacists and their views about incorrect equivalents, missing phrases and sentences found in the leaflets. Results: The findings from the pharmacists’ interviews reveal that the suggested translations of the 44 PILs were more effective, whereas the findings from the questionnaire attest to both the effectiveness of these translations in terms of their impact on patients’ health, and the need for a close examination of the leaflets before distributed to the reading public. Conclusion: Given the effectiveness of the suggested translations of the 44 PILs and their impact on patients’ health, it is therefore imperative that a quality assurance center be established in Saudi Arabia composed of pharmacists and professional translators, and whose aim is to monitor the Arabic translation of these leaflets before they are distributed to the public.
  • Exploring Significance of Word-of-Mouth Marketing: A Systematic Review Analysis of Sustainable Marketing Strategies from an Islamic Perspective

    Husain, Muhammad Khalid; Siddique, Muhammad; Nadvi, Muhammad Junaid; External Collaboration; NA; 0; 0; General Education; 0; Nadvi, Muhammad Junaid (Federal Urdu University of Arts, Science & Technology, 2023-12)
    Purpose: Marketing is a powerful instrument to promote goods and services, and word-of-mouth is used as a marketing strategy. This article aims to develop a theme from existing literature by systematically reviewing the literature. This paper also explores the ethical and Islamic dimensions of the word-of-mouth marketing. Methodology: The authors used the best-known Science Direct database to search online literature, including 1,164 research and 69 Exploring Significance of Word-of-Mouth Marketing: A Systematic Review 31 review articles available in peer-reviewed journals between 2019 and 2022, and to shape the paper after conducting a thorough literature review and setting exclusion criteria. The studies proved it is a simple and easy way of marketing communication. Finding: The findings uncover the efficacy of this modern way of marketing. The study concluded that this way of marketing is a sustainable tool of marketing that provides the guidelines to be implemented by researchers, academicians, and policymakers in the future. Furthermore, a wide range of overlapping dimensions have been found between sustainable, ethical, and Islamic perspectives. Novelty: The novelty of the paper is that very few studies on the topic are available on Science Direct database sites. Furthermore, few studies have discussed the ethical implications of word-of-mouth marketing.
  • The Effects of Peer Coaching on Faculty Development in the Context of Higher Education

    Kaj-Itani, Khadija; No Collaboration; NA; NA; NA; General Education; NA; Kaj-Itani, Khadija (University of Bahrain, 2015-07-01)
    Faculty development has been one of the major concerns for many educational institutions and organizations across the world. Peer coaching, among others, has been identified as an effective strategy just for that. For instance, Ohio Department of Education has collaborated with the Center for Essential School Reform to engage in intensive teacher development. The present study reports on an investigation into the use of peer coaching for staff development in Sharjah University, one of the leading universities in the Arabian Gulf. Certain qualitative instruments were constructed such as interviews and subjective questionnaires to collect data on the effects of using peer coaching in this University, while quantitative considerations were resorted to in the analysis so as to compliment the findings statistically. The questionnaire was administered in both Arabic and English to participants from different academic departments. It was based on five constructs, namely 1) the helpfulness of the coaching process for the observers, the observerees, 2) the observerees‟ feelings about the possible perpetuation of the coaching program 3)faculty's feedback 4) attitudes, and 5) recommendations regarding the process. Five of the respondents who had completed the questionnaire were also involved in semi-structured interviews. The management claimed that peer coaching would contribute to the development of the teachers and thereby enhance their students‟ learning skills. However, the data collected from open- ended questionnaires and semi-structured interviews revealed that the use of peer coaching in the University had limited effects. Analysis of these data depending on certain categories uncovered the reasons for this limitation. This study concludes with recommendations, which could lead to the desired outcomes of peer coaching and consequently enhance student achievement.
  • Increased Effectiveness of Schools through Ethical Educational Leadership

    Kaj-Itani, Khadija; Khalid, Mohammad; Department Collaboration; NA; 0; 0; General Education; 0; Kaj-Itani, Khadija (University of Bahrain, 2022-07-01)
    This case study focuses on two schools in Lebanon that have gained substantial recognition for providing high-quality education after their continuous success in the official General Secondary Exams. The supposed ethical leadership approach employed at these schools is studied here in order to examine whether it has played a role in their respective success. A number of stakeholders participated in the study through a survey, while eight people were interviewed including the two directors, the two principals, and the four coordinators. Further informal discussions were carried out with a couple of teachers outside the school premises. The analysis reveals a strong link between the highly relationship-oriented work environment at the schools under study and their noticeable success.
  • Problem Focused Coping and Stress in Cancer Patients: A Mediating Role of Emotion-Focused Coping

    Khalid, Mohammad; Yaseen, Faiqa; Taskeen, Sayyeda Zahra; External Collaboration; NA; 0; 0; General Education; 0; Jamal, Yousaf (Kamla-Raj Enterprises, 2022)
    Cancer is a life-threatening disease that greatly influences the psycho-social health and well-being of affected individuals. The present study looks into the role of emotion-focused coping as a mediator variable in the relationship between problem-focused coping and perceived stress in cancer patients. A purposive sample of 200 (male = 41%, female = 59%) cancer patients was taken from different cancer hospitals in Lahore, Pakistan. Perceived Stress Scale and Brief Cope Inventory were used to investigate the perceived stress and coping strategies of the participants. The findings of correlation analysis indicated the interrelatedness of emotion-focused coping, problem-focused coping, and perceived stress. Findings of mediation analysis revealed that emotion-focused coping significantly plays a mediating role between problem-focused coping and perceived stress in cancer patients. These findings have practical implications for counseling cancer patients to overcome their stress and adopt effective coping strategies to deal with their stress.
  • A Preliminary Validation of the Brief COPE Inventory for Assessing Coping Strategies among Pakistani House Job Doctors

    Khalid, Mohammad; Yaseen, Faiqa; External Collaboration; NA; 0; 0; General Education; 0; Jamal, Yousaf (Institute of Psychological Research, 2022-06-30)
    Health care is one of the most challenging professions associated with several challenges and issues leading the doctors and nurses towards several mental health issues which make it necessary to explore coping strategies and skills that help the professionals in overcoming their mental health issues. As a result, the present study was conducted on a sample of Pakistani house-job doctors to validate the Coping Orientation to Problem Experienced (COPE) scale. A sample of 315 house-job doctors (men = 60%, women = 40%) employed in various hospitals of Lahore was recruited through purposive sampling method. Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) was used at first to confirm Carver's factor structure, which resulted in poor fit. As a result, the structure of coping factor in a Pakistani sample was investigated through an Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA). Problem-focused coping, emotion-focused coping, and avoidant coping were discovered to be three-factor solution of COPE. Furthermore, the scale had high psychometric qualities including good reliability and validity.
  • Exploring the Historical Significance of the Social Security and Welfare Systems in Islam: The Era of 'Umar ibn al-Khattab

    Khalid, Mohammad; External Collaboration; NA; 0; 0; General Education; 0; Nadvi, Junaid (University of Malaya, 2023-06-19)
    Islam's social security system differs in nature and operation from the social security systems that are widely used around the world. The Muslim world has had access to a commendable social security system from the beginning of Islam, therefore modern social security systems are nothing new to them. In this article, the Islamic social security system under the rule of 'Umar ibn al-Khattb, the second khalifah of Islam, is studied historically.
  • Increased Effectiveness of Schools through Ethical Educational Leadership

    Khalid, Mohammad; Department Collaboration; NA; 0; 0; General Education; 0; Itani, Khadija (University of Bahrain, 2022-07-01)
    This case study focuses on two schools in Lebanon that have gained substantial recognition for providing high-quality education after their continuous success in the official General Secondary Exams. The supposed ethical leadership approach employed at these schools is studied here in order to examine whether it has played a role in their respective success. A number of stakeholders participated in the study through a survey, while eight people were interviewed including the two directors, the two principals, and the four coordinators. Further informal discussions were carried out with a couple of teachers outside the school premises. The analysis reveals a strong link between the highly relationship-oriented work environment at the schools under study and their noticeable success.
  • “Agamemnon conquered. An Analysis of the Character of Agamemnon in the “Troades” Of the Roman Poet Seneca”,

    KHALIL, MOHAMED; No Collaboration; NA; 0; 0; General Education; 0; KHALIL, MOHAMED (Periodical of the center of studies of Papyrus and inscriptions. Ein Shams University - Cairo, 2013-04-05)
    لا شك أن شخصية أجاممنون كانت من أكثر الشخصيات غرابة فى الموروث الإغريقى . فهو ملك الملوك الإغريق وقائد حرب طروادة. وهوأيضاً العاشق المندفع الذى لم يجد حرجاً فى أن يستولى على خريسئيس إبنة خريسيس كاهن معبد أبوللو ومحظية أخيليس Achilles، أقوى المحاربين الإغريق. فتدفع الجيوش الإغريقية ثمناً باهظاً للغضب الذى صبه أبوللو عليهم عقاباً على ما اقترفه أجاممنون. لقد اعتبرأجاممنون أن هناك معركة خاصة بينه وبين أخيليوس, ولابد له أن يخرج منتصراً من هذه المعركة. حتى أن الإلياذة بدأت بأهم حدث فى الحروب الطروادية, وهو غضب أخيليوس نفسه من تَعنُّت أجاممنون ضده والتعالى عليه والإستيلاء على محظيته (الإلياذة – الكتاب الأول 1-6). بل إن أجاممنون عندما عَدَل عن قراره وأعاد محظية أخيليوس, عاد يندفع مرة أخرى فى تهديده لأخيليوس بإنه سيأتى إلى خيمته ليأخذ خريسيئس عنوة. وفى النهاية سقطت طروادة وقُتِل أخيليوس ووقف أجاممنون بين أنقاض المدينة المهزومة. يعاين بنفسه أثار الهزيمة والدمار الذى لحق بطروادة. ويستمع إلى صراخ الجرحى وعويل النساء وبكاء الأطفال. فيقف أجاممنون بين كل ذلك كمنتصر ويبدأ فى الاستعداد للرحيل عن طروادة والعودة إلى مملكته بعد غياب دام عشر سنوات . لكن يبدو أن حلقة الصراع بين أجاممنون وأخيليوس لم تنتهى برغم موت أخيليوس نفسه. فها هو بيروس Pyrrhus, ابن أخيليوس, يقف فى مواجهة أجاممنون مطالباً إياه بتقديم بوليكسينا ابنة برياموس كضحية ملكية إرضائاً لروح والده الذى مات فى سبيل انتصار الإغريق فى الحرب. بل إن بيروس يهدد أجاممنون بالقتل إن لم يستجيب لما يطلبه منه. يمكننا ملاحظة أن سينيكا يرسم فى مسرحية الطرواديات ذلك المشهد الذى يجمع كلاً من أجاممنون وبيروس, ويصور فيه سينيكا الحوار الذى احتدم بين أجاممنون وبيروس والذى ينتهى بنبؤة كالخاس, الذى يعلن بدوره عن ضرورة تقديم بوليكسينا Polyxena ومعها أخيها أستياناكس Astyanax كضحيتين ملكيتين إرضائاً لروح البطل المقتول. عندها يصمت أجاممنون ويزعن لنبؤة كالخاس وينسحب من الحدث الدرامى تماماً. لقد ظن أجاممنون أنه قد امتلك الحكمة بابتعاده عن التَكَبُر واظهار خوفه من الإمعان فى الانتقام من أعدائه, المتمثلين فى من تَبقّى من نسل برياموس. لكن خوف أجاممنون ومحاولته أن يلعب دور الملك المنتصر الحكيم, وموعظته لبيروس بالتخلى عن فكرة قتل بوليكسينا, إلى جانب البعد عن إغضاب الآلهة, كل ذلك أصبح دون قيمة بعد أن دُمِّرت طروادة عن بكرة أبيها. لقد أوضح سينيكا فى مسرحية ثيستيس أن من يرتكب جريمة ما فلابُد له أن ينتقل من جريمته الأولى إلى جريمة أخرى أكثر بشاعة. وإن من يرتكب جريمة يصبح من المستحيل أن يعود بعدها إلى الطريق المستقيم, أو أن يلعب دور الرجل الحكيم. عند هذه اللحظة يصبح أجاممنون مهزوما، الذى كان من الأفضل له أن لا يتخلى عن ما عُرِف عنه من غطرسة وتَكبُّر. فكان جزائه أن يتحول ليصبح صورة باهته من ملك ضعيف، حيث يظهر كل شخص من حوله وكأنه أقوى من أجاممنون نفسه.. بيروس وتهديداته بقتله أجاممنون أو إثارة الجنود ضده, وصولاً إلى إعلان كالخاس الذى لا يَرقى إلى مرتبة النبؤة. لكنها لم يَكُن سوى إعلان سياسى بتأييد القائد المنتصر الجديد، بيروس، وسقوط الملك أجاممنون مهزوما.
  • Aeschylus between Writing History and Fiction of Drama. A study in the Persians of Aeschylus”,

    KHALIL, MOHAMED; University Collaboration; NA; 0; 0; General Education; 0; KHALIL, MOHAMED (Department of Greek and Latin Studies - Cairo University, 2017-03-15)
    لا شك أن معركة سلاميس تميزت بكونها انتصارًا تاريخيًا فاصلًا في الصراع بين الإغريق والفرس. فكان انتصار الإغريق في هذه المعركة حاسما في مواجهة المد الفارسي وتحطيم أسطورة القوة الفارسية التي لا تقهر. ولا شك أن قيام أحد المؤرخين برصد أحداث تلك المعركة وتحليل أحداثها ونتائجها لهو أمر طبيعي. لكننا عندما نجد أنفسنا أمام شاعر في حجم أيسخولوس (Aeschylus) وهو ينظم مسرحية درامية يتناول فيها تبعات ما بعد المعركة وآثار الهزيمة الساحقة على الفرس شعبًا وحكامًا، فإن ذلك يصبح أمراً جديراً بالاهتمام. ويرتكز هذا الاهتمام على كون أيسخولوس نفسه واحداً من الجنود الذين نالوا شرف المشاركة في تلك المعركة العظيمة. فهو إذن الشاعر المحارب أو المحارب الشاعر، الذي طفق يوظف ما لديه من خبرة المحارب وموهبة المؤلف المسرحي في نظم مسرحية درامية تعبر عن رؤيته لهذا الصراع المرير بين الفرس الإغريق، وما انتهى إليه هذا الصراع من انتصار الإغريق.
  • “Agamemnon conquered. An Analysis of the Character of Agamemnon in the “Troades” Of the Roman Poet Seneca.

    KHALIL, MOHAMED; KHALIL, MOHAMED; No Collaboration; NA; 0; 0; General Education; 0; KHALIL, MOHAMED (Periodical of the center of studies of Papyrus and inscriptions. Ein Shams University - Cairo, 2013-04-10)
    ا شك أن شخصية أجاممنون كانت من أكثر الشخصيات غرابة فى الموروث الإغريقى . فهو ملك الملوك الإغريق وقائد حرب طروادة. وهوأيضاً العاشق المندفع الذى لم يجد حرجاً فى أن يستولى على خريسئيس إبنة خريسيس كاهن معبد أبوللو ومحظية أخيليس Achilles، أقوى المحاربين الإغريق. فتدفع الجيوش الإغريقية ثمناً باهظاً للغضب الذى صبه أبوللو عليهم عقاباً على ما اقترفه أجاممنون. لقد اعتبرأجاممنون أن هناك معركة خاصة بينه وبين أخيليوس, ولابد له أن يخرج منتصراً من هذه المعركة. حتى أن الإلياذة بدأت بأهم حدث فى الحروب الطروادية, وهو غضب أخيليوس نفسه من تَعنُّت أجاممنون ضده والتعالى عليه والإستيلاء على محظيته (الإلياذة – الكتاب الأول 1-6). بل إن أجاممنون عندما عَدَل عن قراره وأعاد محظية أخيليوس, عاد يندفع مرة أخرى فى تهديده لأخيليوس بإنه سيأتى إلى خيمته ليأخذ خريسيئس عنوة. وفى النهاية سقطت طروادة وقُتِل أخيليوس ووقف أجاممنون بين أنقاض المدينة المهزومة. يعاين بنفسه أثار الهزيمة والدمار الذى لحق بطروادة. ويستمع إلى صراخ الجرحى وعويل النساء وبكاء الأطفال. فيقف أجاممنون بين كل ذلك كمنتصر ويبدأ فى الاستعداد للرحيل عن طروادة والعودة إلى مملكته بعد غياب دام عشر سنوات . لكن يبدو أن حلقة الصراع بين أجاممنون وأخيليوس لم تنتهى برغم موت أخيليوس نفسه. فها هو بيروس Pyrrhus, ابن أخيليوس, يقف فى مواجهة أجاممنون مطالباً إياه بتقديم بوليكسينا ابنة برياموس كضحية ملكية إرضائاً لروح والده الذى مات فى سبيل انتصار الإغريق فى الحرب. بل إن بيروس يهدد أجاممنون بالقتل إن لم يستجيب لما يطلبه منه. يمكننا ملاحظة أن سينيكا يرسم فى مسرحية الطرواديات ذلك المشهد الذى يجمع كلاً من أجاممنون وبيروس, ويصور فيه سينيكا الحوار الذى احتدم بين أجاممنون وبيروس والذى ينتهى بنبؤة كالخاس, الذى يعلن بدوره عن ضرورة تقديم بوليكسينا Polyxena ومعها أخيها أستياناكس Astyanax كضحيتين ملكيتين إرضائاً لروح البطل المقتول. عندها يصمت أجاممنون ويزعن لنبؤة كالخاس وينسحب من الحدث الدرامى تماماً. لقد ظن أجاممنون أنه قد امتلك الحكمة بابتعاده عن التَكَبُر واظهار خوفه من الإمعان فى الانتقام من أعدائه, المتمثلين فى من تَبقّى من نسل برياموس. لكن خوف أجاممنون ومحاولته أن يلعب دور الملك المنتصر الحكيم, وموعظته لبيروس بالتخلى عن فكرة قتل بوليكسينا, إلى جانب البعد عن إغضاب الآلهة, كل ذلك أصبح دون قيمة بعد أن دُمِّرت طروادة عن بكرة أبيها. لقد أوضح سينيكا فى مسرحية ثيستيس أن من يرتكب جريمة ما فلابُد له أن ينتقل من جريمته الأولى إلى جريمة أخرى أكثر بشاعة. وإن من يرتكب جريمة يصبح من المستحيل أن يعود بعدها إلى الطريق المستقيم, أو أن يلعب دور الرجل الحكيم. عند هذه اللحظة يصبح أجاممنون مهزوما، الذى كان من الأفضل له أن لا يتخلى عن ما عُرِف عنه من غطرسة وتَكبُّر. فكان جزائه أن يتحول ليصبح صورة باهته من ملك ضعيف، حيث يظهر كل شخص من حوله وكأنه أقوى من أجاممنون نفسه.. بيروس وتهديداته بقتله أجاممنون أو إثارة الجنود ضده, وصولاً إلى إعلان كالخاس الذى لا يَرقى إلى مرتبة النبؤة. لكنها لم يَكُن سوى إعلان سياسى بتأييد القائد المنتصر الجديد، بيروس، وسقوط الملك أجاممنون مهزوما.
  • The Psychological and Sociological Dimensions of the Character of Miser. A study in the Aulularia by Plautus

    KHALIL, MOHAMED; No Collaboration; NA; 0; 0; General Education; 0; KHALIL, MOHAMED (Department of Greek and Latin Studies - Cairo University, 2021-03-07)
    ظهرت شخصيه البخيل في العديد من الاعمال الدرامية على مر العصور وفي ثقافات مختلفة وقد ارتبطت شخصيه البخيل غالبا في ظهورها بالملامح الكوميدية ولعل تلك الملامح كانت هي ما جعلها أكثر رواجا لدى الجمهور الذي كان ولا يزال يرى في تصرفات البخيل ماده مثيره للضحك والسخرية، وربما لا يشعر المتفرج تجاه شخصيه البخيل باي نوع من الشفقة تجاه ما يجلبه على نفسه من معانا نتيجة بخله. بيد أنه قد يشعر بنوع من الشفقة تجاه من يحيط بالبخيل من المقربين منه مثل الزوجة او الأبناء هؤلاء الذين يعانون اشد المعاناة من تصرفات البخيل واتباعه الدائم لسياسة خداع من حوله وايهامهم بانه لا يملك اي شيء وانه أكثر الناس احتياجا على الاطلاق ولقد رأينا في شخصيه البخيل في مسرحيه جره الذهب لبلاوتوس نموذجا قد يقترب في ابعاده كثيرا من شخصيه البخيل على مر العصور فلقد عانى كل من حوله من بخله حتى خادمته نفسها بالرغم من امتلاك لجره من الذهب ربما لو استغلها لعاش عيشة الملوك، لكنه البخل الذي يقف حائلا بين الانسان وكرامته وادميته واحساسه بمن يعيشون معه، فتتحول حياته الى مواقف يوميه تثير الضحك والسخرية في قلب وعقل كل من يعرف حقيقته، وتتحول الى معاناة لكل من يعيش معه ولا يدرك ماهيته The miser character has appeared in many dramas throughout the ages in different cultures, and its miser character has often been associated in its appearance with comic features. Perhaps those features were what made it more popular for audience, who was, and still sees in the miser’s behavior a funny and ridiculous subject. In addition, the audience might not feel towards the miser any kind of compassion for the suffering he brings to himself because of his miserliness. However, the audience might feel some kind of compassion towards those who are close to him, such as his wife or children, who are suffering most from the miser’s behavior, and his permanent followers of the policy of deceiving those around him and their illusions that he is the neediest person at all. We have seen in the miser’s character in the Aulularia of Plautus that everyone around him suffered from his miserliness, even his servant herself. In spite of possessing a jar of gold, perhaps if, he exploited it for the livelihood of the kings. However, the stinginess stands between a person and his dignity, humanity, and his sense of those who live with him. His life, then, turns into daily situations that raise laughter and ridicule in the heart and mind of everyone who knows his truth, and turns into suffering for everyone who lives with him and does not realize his ugly truth.
  • "Hecuba Euripides”. Transformations in the Behavior of Dramatic Personality”,

    KHALIL, MOHAMED; Department Collaboration; NA; 0; 0; General Education; 0; KHALIL, MOHAMED (Department of Greek and Latin Studies - Cairo University, 2017-03-16)
    "هيكابى يوريبيديس. تحولات في سلوك الشخصية الدرامية" محمد خليل رشدي مدرس اللغة اللاتينية وآدابها كلية الآداب- جامعة أسيوط لماذا كل هذا العويل والنحيب من أجل طروادة! لماذا لا يكون مقبول أن تسقط طروادة، ويسقط معها من كان يحكمها! لفد قبلت الأسرة المالكة أن تحتضن بينها هيلينى الزوجة الخائنة، بل إن برياموس ملك طروادة قَبِل أن يحارب ملوك الإغريق مجتمعين. أما شعب طروادة فقد استجاب لنداء الخيانة وخضع لإرادة الخيانة والفساد. من هنا يصبح سقوط طروادة أمرا حتميا، لكنه لن يكون طبيعيا. ونحن نعنى بذلك أن طروادة يجب أن تُدمر عن بكرة أبيها. سوف يتم قتل أو إعدام كل من ينتمي إلى الأسرة الحاكمة. أما شعب طروادة فلابد أن يتم إبادته، وهذا أمرا طبيعيا ومن لا يجده كذلك فعليه أن يُحكِّم عقله لا مشاعره. إن ما يتبقى لنا بعد سقوط طروادة هو أن نقف على أطلالها ونحاول جاهدين أن نتبين ملامح مَن بقي مِن الأسرى على قيد الحياة، وعلينا أيضا أن نتبين ملامح تلك الوجوه التي تعلوها ابتسامة المنتصر. هنا وعلى أنقاض طروادة ترقد الملكة هيكابى، زوجة برياموس ملك طروادة الذي كان قد قُتِل من قبل. إن هيكابى ترقد بين من تبقي من نساء طروادة وهي تجهل مصيرها ومصير من تبقى من أبنائها. فهي لم تعد ملكة، بل لم يعد هناك مملكة تحكمها. لقد سقطت طروادة وبدأت محاكمة من بقي من أسرة من كان يحكمها. من هنا يبدأ يوريبيديس مسرحيته التي تحمل اسم هيكابى. ومن هنا يبدأ بحثنا الذي سنحاول فيه أن نناقش النقاط التالية: -1- ما الذي أراده يوريبيديس من كتابة مسرحية هيكابى ورسمه لشخوصها بملامح معينة كما أراد لها أن تبدو؟ -2- كيف يمكن لنا أن نحلل شخصية هيكابى وتحولها المفاجئ من صورة الضحية إلى صورة الشخصية الساعية للانتقام؟ -3- ما هو المغزى من النبوءة في المسرحية، وما هو الدور الذي تلعبه في مجريات الأحداث؟ -4- ماذا يمثل عنصر المفاجأة في مسرحية هيكابى؟
  • The Effects of Peer Coaching on Faculty Development in the Context of Higher Education

    Kaj-Itani, Khadija; No Collaboration; NA; NA; NA; General Education; NA; Kaj-Itani, Khadija (University of Bahrain Scientific Journals, 2015-07-01)
    Faculty development has been one of the major concerns for many educational institutions and organizations across the world. Peer coaching, among others, has been identified as an effective strategy just for that. For instance, Ohio Department of Education has collaborated with the Center for Essential School Reform to engage in intensive teacher development. The present study reports on an investigation into the use of peer coaching for staff development in Sharjah University, one of the leading universities in the Arabian Gulf. Certain qualitative instruments were constructed such as interviews and subjective questionnaires to collect data on the effects of using peer coaching in this University, while quantitative considerations were resorted to in the analysis so as to compliment the findings statistically. The questionnaire was administered in both Arabic and English to participants from different academic departments. It was based on five constructs, namely 1) the helpfulness of the coaching process for the observers, the observerees, 2) the observerees‟ feelings about the possible perpetuation of the coaching program 3)faculty‟s feedback 4) attitudes, and 5) recommendations regarding the process. Five of the respondents who had completed the questionnaire were also involved in semi-structured interviews. The management claimed that peer coaching would contribute to the development of the teachers and thereby enhance their students‟ learning skills. However, the data collected from open-ended questionnaires and semi-structured interviews revealed that the use of peer coaching in the University had limited effects. Analysis of these data depending on certain categories uncovered the reasons for this limitation. This study concludes with recommendations, which could lead to the desired outcomes of peer coaching and consequently enhance student achievement.

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