Recent Submissions
Man and Place - Creative Design TransformationsThis book is a result of the 1st ARCH and DESN International Conference (previously Memaryat) Conference held at Effat University on the 8th and 9th of February 2023, and includes chapters dealing with the critical manifestation of “Man and Place” to accommodate and embrace social, economic, and environmental needs within a balanced, integrated system. The book is groundbreaking in that it brings together some of the brightest minds in academia and industry. The book includes a diverse range of contributions from esteemed academics and practitioners and offers a unique platform for thought-provoking discussions and innovative strategies that will help shape the cities of tomorrow. Further chapters include topics such as sustainability and creative transformations, smart cities, environmental resilience, resilient local economies, manufacturing innovations, and smart products. This book will be of interest to decision-makers, architects, interior designers, product designers, urban planners, urban designers, entrepreneurs, educators, and agencies.
Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Medical ImagingArtificial intelligence (AI) plays an important role in the field of medical image analysis, including computer-aided diagnosis, image-guided therapy, image registration, image segmentation, image annotation, image fusion, and retrieval of image databases. With advances in medical imaging, new imaging methods and techniques are needed in the field of medical imaging, such as cone-beam/multi-slice CT, MRI, positron emission tomography (PET)/CT, 3D ultrasound imaging, diffuse optical tomography, and electrical impedance tomography, as well as new AI algorithms/applications. To provide adequate results, single-sample evidence given by the patient’s imaging data is often not appropriate. It is usually difficult to derive analytical solutions or simple equations to describe objects such as lesions and anatomy in medical images, due to wide variations and complexity. Tasks in medical image analysis therefore require learning from examples for correct image recognition (IR) and prior knowledge. This book offers advanced or up-to-date medical image analysis methods through the use of algorithms/techniques for AI, machine learning (ML), and IR. A picture or image is worth a thousand words, indicating that, for example, IR may play a critical role in medical imaging and diagnostics. Data/information can be learned through AI, IR, and ML in the form of an image, that is, a collection of pixels, as it is impossible to recruit experts for big data.
Mosque Architecture: A Transdisciplinary DebateAgainst a backdrop of environmental and societal concerns, best captured by the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), this book brings together the leading voices on Mosque architecture to make a case for its role as a purveyor of culture, heritage, and sustainability in the modern world. The Mosque, as an institution, continues to serve as the epicenter of spiritual, moral, and cultural life in Muslim societies. Recognizing that the popular understanding of Muslim culture and archetypes is, at best, minimal among the broader public worldwide, this book has two objectives: ie,(i) to explore Masjid architecture as a carrier of culture, heritage, and the sustainability of Muslim communities; and (ii) to offer a bias-free introduction to the intricacies of Muslim architecture, culture, and heritage today. The papers featured in this collection were presented at the 5th Memaryat International Conference (MIC), held at Effat University, Jeddah. The MIC’s objective is to build bridges between research communities engaged with diverse aspects of science, technology, and innovation, seen as the key levers for attaining the SDGs.
Mosque Architecture: A Transdisciplinary DebateThe Mosque (Masjid) is the center of the spiritual, moral, and cultural life in Muslim societies. Having retained its key spatial, visual, and physical characteristics over the centuries, the Mosque has also been a subject of a sublime transformation. While the key features, and most profoundly, the symbolism of the Mosque remain intact, the Mosque design and architecture follow and adapt to the evolution of the Muslim society and its context. The Mosque, and so the Mosque architecture, serve as evidence of resilience and sustainability inherent in Muslim culture and heritage. This chapter offers an insight into the book’s content and objectives, and hence should serve as a useful guide for anyone interested in exploring the Mosque architecture as a carrier of culture, heritage, and sustainability of Muslim communities; and seeking a bias-free introduction to the intricacies of the Muslim culture.
THE ROLE of LEGISLATIONS in UPGRADING URBAN ENVIRONMENT of SLUMS AREAS in ARAB COMMUNITIES: Applied study on slums at Kingdom of Saudi Arabiaتعاني أغلب المجتمعات العربية من التوسع العمراني العشوائي الذي تواكب مع التنامي الشديد في معدلات النمو السكاني بها خلال العقود القليلة الماضية، ويعتبر من أكبر التحديات التي تواجه مجتمعات العالم النامي بصفة عامة والمجتمعات العربية بصفة خاصة، حيث تعد المناطق العشوائية أحد أهم المشاكل التي تواجه إدارات المدن - بمختلف مسمياتها - في العالم العربي، فإضافة لكونها صعبة التطوير والتفاعل مع المجتمع والإندماج في النسيج العمراني المنتظم، فإنها غالباً ما تكون بؤرا للمخاطر الاجتماعية والبيئية والصحية وعقبة في تطوير المدن عمرانياً واجتماعياً، لذا فإن مساعدة إدارات المدن على حل مشكلة العشوائيات تمثل أهمية كبرى، ولما كانت التشريعات من الأدوات الرئيسة التي تستخدمها إدارات المدن في تنظيم شئون المدينة بما في ذلك تنظيم العمران، فلابد أن يكون للمعالجات التشريعية دور مؤثر في حل هذه المشكلة. يناقش البحث ويحلل دور التشريعات في التعامل مع البيئة العمرانية العشوائية، ويطبق ذلك الدور في المدينة بصفة عامة والمدينة العربية بصفة خاصة؛ من خلال دراسة متسلسلة لمفهوم العشوائيات عالمياً وبالمجتمعات العربية، ثم دراسة وافية لعدد من التجارب العالمية والعربية في المعالجة التشريعية للتعامل مع البيئة العمرانية للمناطق العشوائية، وصولا إلى تحديد دور التشريعات العمرانية في الارتقاء بالبيئة العمرانية للمناطق العشوائية في المجتمعات العربية، ثم تحديد الأسس الرئيسة والفرعية للمعالجات التشريعية للتعامل مع البيئة العمرانية بالمناطق العشوائية بالمدينة العربية.
How to Think Architecture: Inspirational Note to Architecture StudentsThis bilingual book addresses both the Arabic speaker and international student in a methodic four-sectioned journey. It takes the reader from theory to practice by knocking on the doors of multiple architecture-related avenues. It addresses a range of theoretical and applied architectural issues. These start from how a student should think and how to be creative, as well as to show the context in which graduates will work. It then takes the reader through the main basic pillars of architecture. This is imbued with a pragmatic tackling of how architects design. The final section is dedicated to a hand-picked number of selected projects that are analyzed.
The Role of Criticism in Architectural Education: An Experimental Model for Enhancing the Architectural Students' Critical Skills in Design StudioThe study descends from the group of studies that bragged about the development of the architectural education process. It focuses on enhancing the cognitive panes and dimensions in the education process. The study raises some questions about the architectural design objectives and philosophies and its success in achieving the goals of the educational process, where architectural design is referred to as being at the ‘core’ of architectural education. The study gives attention to the architectural design approach to scrutinize the defective features to struggle to solve one of these panes. It relies on a collective methodology that manages architectural design as a creative process, which tries to acquire suitable solutions for the problems of the surrounding society and environment within a collective framework. The study argues the problem of the absence of a structured framework to develop the critical skills of the architectural student as a mean for enhancing his/her higher mental skills. Consequently, the study aims to structure an experimental model to improve the self-critical skills of architectural students. The study adopted an empirical approach that relies on two main axes: The first axis is the analytical study with a preliminary chapter followed by three theoretical parts; the second axis is the applied study with one part, While the final chapter focuses on the results and recommendations.
Cities of the Future: Challenges and OpportunitiesPreface Cities are where ideas form, where innovation glows, and where economic growth largely flourishes. They are where most people live and where significant risks can emerge as well as where challenges can be magnified. In the age of urban digitization, new and complex issues are emerging, and today's cities are likely on the cusp of the largest global social and economic transformation. Facing the pressing challenges of the unprecedented rates of urban expansions, it becomes inevitable to adopt a shared responsibility to create healthier, more accessible, and intelligent cities to better use human resources, promote needs and capacities, and advance a decent quality of life. Considering the fact that the kingdom of Saudi Arabia is currently witnessing rapid growing urbanization due to demographic, social, and economic growth in the country that increased the number of cities. In addition to the current implementation of the Future Saudi Cities Program in line with the 2030 Saudi Arabia's vision and the National Transformation Program. The 6th Annual Memaryat International Conference (MIC 2022) seeks to address the key challenges and opportunities of "future cities" to embrace novel approaches and grounded technologies in pursuing a vision for smart, inclusive cities. This volume contains papers presented at the 6th Annual Memaryat International Conference (MIC 2022). While the key objective of MIC is to build bridges between science, technology, and innovation, the 2022 MIC focused on cities of the future, whereby cities appear to be in a state of continuous expansion; their population growth has historically occurred in cycles. Innovations have generally addressed the challenges posed by rising populations, only to be replaced by new hurdles. The thrust of the discussion in the proceedings is formed by multiple areas addressing challenges and opportunities of the future cities at the local, national, and international levels and how these challenges can hinder the development objectives planned to be achieved by the cities of the future. Accordingly, the papers included in this volume revolve around three sections: The first section discusses the future of the Saudi cities and addresses different aspects and dimensions of the future cities at the local, national, and international levels. The papers also tackled critical challenges facing the current cities and how these challenges can hinder the development objective planned to be achieved by the cities of the future. The focus of the papers varied from managing a handling food in cities of tomorrow, cities and tourism, intelligent cities of the future, problems of efficient exploitation of land in cities, and maintaining a city's identity in the cities of the future. The second section revolves around smart, inclusive, and livable cities. Few papers tackled the role the social dimension can play in future cities. Future cities are not only places where smart technologies, advanced communication, and creativity meet but also cities that facilitate spaces and venues which can contribute to the residents' quality of life and social cohesion. Investigating the social dimension in future cities was the core of many presentations. Sense of community, safety, physical health and wellbeing, and economic activities are all aspects that proved to be significant to the planning and design of our future cities. Future cities are also characterized by workforce development, which helps bridge skill mismatches and gaps between the job opportunities and local workers, linking the domestic workforce and the economic development with high-impact and well-suited workforce training and development services. The third section discusses environmental issues and smart solutions for future cities recognizing the benefits of a green approach to urban planning and design and the potential to lower urban temperatures, mitigate air pollution and build natural environmental resilience. Sustainability experts predict carbon-neutral cities full of electric vehicles and bike-sharing schemes, with improved air quality. The Editors hope that the selected papers for this volume will lead to a better understanding of the challenges and opportunities of future cities. Viewed in this way, this volume is intended to promote research in the domains of architecture, urban design, and urban planning.