Faculty Research and Publications
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Raw Sphere 'Smart home device'RawSphere is an advanced smart home device designed to offer a premium user experience through a combination of high-end materials, elegant design, and innovative interaction methods. Drawing inspiration from the Audi GrandSphere and Audi SkySphere, RawSphere integrates multiple sensors and unique controls to provide a luxurious and interactive smart home experience.
Smart Electric Portable IronThe Dual-Function Steam Iron is a premium appliance designed for affluent consumers who value both simplicity and functionality in their household products. This innovative steam iron combines the capabilities of a traditional iron and a steamer into one device, while featuring a retractable cord mechanism that addresses common storage issues. The design is aimed at enhancing convenience and maintaining an organized storage solution for users who appreciate a clutter-free environment.
Limbo 'smart light unit for kids'Lighting unit for children aged 5 to 11 years, featuring an embedded game inside. The game is a maze, located at the top of the product, with a small ball inside. To activate the lighting unit, the child must move the product to guide the ball through the maze. Once the maze is solved, the child will be able to turn the lighting unit on and off. After 24 hours, the maze changes, prompting the child to attempt solving it again in order to activate the light bulb. This interactive lighting unit provides an engaging and educational experience for children while also functioning as a practical lighting solution.
TECHNOLOGY FORESIGHT IN HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONSEducation is a powerful driver of sustainable development; it plays a very pivotal role in securing socio-economic growth. Developed and developing countries give considerable dedication to reviewing and modifying their educational systems, since education comes among their significant priorities aiming to prepare citizens and societies for the future. Hence, higher education reform is essential for the achievement of developmental goals. This paper sheds light on the major trends that are significantly influencing the development of the higher education sector in Egypt to a great extent. Different megatrends are identified under the domains, interaction and visualisation application, and Learning Management Systems (LMS) platforms. The proposed trends are expected to have a sound impact on the development of the education sector in Egypt. The impact of those technologies on educational development is sourced from the literature review. Several interviews were conducted with experts from different domains to identify several developmental opportunities. The results of the interviews were summarized, and recommendations were presented. These recommendations are directed for policy and decision-makers in the field of higher education to influence the development of the sector for a competitive nation.
The Evolution of Japanese Design: Application and User Perspectives in New Product DevelopmentThe evolution of aesthetics is a constant process, as designers adapt to new materials and knowledge while preserving the essence of their craft. Japanese design embodies this principle, as it has evolved over time while remaining true to its original purpose. This paper aims to investigate the evolution of Japanese design aesthetics from the Prehistoric Jomon period to the contemporary Japanese design of the twenty-first century, while through specific survey, explores how users interact and perceive Japanese design, and what are the factors that influence their preferences and knowledge of Japanese design. The paper begins by exploring the characteristics of Japanese design that have remained consistent over time, such as attention to detail, simplicity, and harmony with nature, which are clearly identified in furniture in this research. It then looks into how Japanese designers have incorporated new materials and techniques into their work, including the influence of Western design styles in the Meiji period and the integration of digital technology in contemporary Japanese design using number of case studies as research method. The paper also examines specific case studies of Japanese design, including the concept of “The Structure of Iki,” which embodies the Japanese aesthetic of understated elegance, and the use of “wagara” patterns, which are inspired by nature and traditional Japanese art. In addition to analysing the visual aspects of Japanese design, and conducting survey to gauge the users’ interaction and knowledge. The paper also considers the philosophical side of Japanese aesthetics, including the concept of wabi-sabi, which celebrates imperfection and impermanence. By exploring the cultural and historical context of Japanese design, this paper offers insights into the ways in which tradition and innovation have shaped Japanese design aesthetics. Throughout the paper, the focus is on how Japanese design, specifically, furniture to an extent, has evolved while maintaining its core principles, making it a renowned leader in minimalist design. By understanding the evolution of Japanese design, designers can gain insights into how to adapt to new materials and technologies while preserving the essential qualities that make their work unique and timeless.
Culinary Academy as a Multicultural Status: Interior Design PerspectiveCulinary art is one of the most ancient forms of cultural expression, where there are abundant types of food with different and unique tastes in this world. Although Saudi Arabia is an extensive country with diverse nationalities, and each has its unique taste in food, it has few culinary art academies. In addition, those academies are limited in activities. Culinary art academy will allow people to exchange culture; they will be able to communicate and mingle with multi-nationalities in Saudi Arabia. In addition, students interested in this field can make their career where they can get a degree in culinary arts and learn from and interact with the finest culinary professionals through this multicultural opportunity. Moreover, the culinary arts industry benefits the owner financially through the establishment's reputation and the students who study or visit it. From the perspective of interior design, this paper highlights the importance of this multicultural academy. In addition to the literature review, the case study analysis and the conducted survey studies and discusses the fundamental interior design requirements that should be formulated when establishing and designing this kind of academy. Throughout the paper, the qualitative approach will be used to examine the precision of the suggested hypotheses, leading to clear outcomes and results.
Interior Design Standards of a Non-medical Rehabilitation CentersThere are plenty of studies highlighted that the interior design of any place can affect the psychology and the mood of humans. Therefore, building and designing an environment to help in psychological healing, as a non-medical environment, will lead to a healthy society. Thus, there is a real need for any healthy society to provide rehabilitation resorts that combines psychological rehab centers and resorts entertainment activities. Firstly, the psychological rehab center is a specialized place within psychology that focuses on studying and applying psychological skills and knowledge on behalf of individuals with chronic health conditions and disabilities to maximize health and welfare, choice and independence, functional abilities, and social role participation across the lifespan. In addition, psychologists are uniquely trained and specialized in engaging in various activities, including consultation, clinical practice, program development, public policy, and advocacy related to persons with disability and chronic health conditions, teaching and education, training, and administration. Secondly, the resort is where people frequently go on holidays to relax and rest. Hence, the rehabilitation resort is a non-medical place that simultaneously provides the rehab center and resort services for people interested in psychological healing, self-development, and improving relationships. It will help society to be healthiest. Interior design affects humans through various aspects due to the physical and psychological human differences each person receives, perceives, interacts with, and responds to differently. Based on this, the paper’s main idea is investigating the impact of interior design on humans’ mental health to help increase society’s quality of life performance. However, the lack of psychiatric centers and clinics in any society has disregarded or did not give value to the interior design and the spaces of the place, seeing it as an incremental condition. This paper focuses on the psychological section for non-psychiatric patients. It aims to merge and find the relationship between interior design and healthy mental life to develop space planning and the facilities of the given space.
Preservation and Exchange the Saudi Cultural Identity Through the Interior Design of Arts and Crafts CentersArts are surrounded humans—whether they realize this or not—where they used to be involved in this creative process of building things into existence. Indeed, the process of crafting is a historical heritage and a symbol that comes from any nation’s culture. Despite the rich diversity in Saudi culture and its various arts, it has recently begun to appear larger and wider. This is mainly due to the growing awareness within the Kingdom and the increased presence in many regional and international cultural events. In harmony with the architectural idea, the interior design of the arts and crafts centers is the core environment to exchange culture and art expression and preserve and modernize those arts and crafts. These centers usually include handmade crafts exhibitions and provide workshops for pottery, wood, textiles, and fine arts. So, this paper aims to highlight the role of the interior design of these types of centers as the environment to preserve and exchange the culture, focusing on traditional arts and handicrafts. The paper is mainly based on the qualitative approach, which starts with the literature review and discussing the practicing, studying, and demanding the arts and crafts, then analyzing two different examples of the social-cultural and the handicrafts centers, then ends with a survey study to investigate the Saudis’ subjective points of view about this kind of centers.
Mako KayakThis kayak will be a hybrid between the ocean kayak and the transparent kayak, it will take the best of both worlds. Taking the strong form of the ocean kayak and the fun of the transparent kayak. This sport is a very exciting sport that is loved by many, and should evolve more that already has. We will be using many different research methods, we will be interviewing different type of people like; people with successful kayak business, also regular kayak users. We will be doing a survey that will be answered by over 200 people that will let us know what the people desire in the kayaking industry right now. After knowing what the people want, there will be a sketching and designing phase, then the prototype, models, manufacturing process and lastly the expected result is to have a functioning kayak with a new idea that hasn’t been done before .
Accessible Museums' Facilities for Visually Impaired Visitors Applicable Project in the Museum of Islamic Art in CairoMuseums are the memory of societies, the veritable images and the mirrors which reflect the heritage values on everyday life. Museums always inspire visitors and send their souls and minds to times and ages that are full of values and authenticity. Visiting museums is always one of the most attractive planned activities of any touristic program especially in a country like Egypt. Indeed, there are many unique great museums in Egypt where the government is working to apply many plans and strategies to improve these museums and upgrade their displays and facilities which attract visitors, support tourism and by extension increase the national income. The Museum of Islamic Art (MIA) in Cairo is one of the greatest Islamic museums in the world (The museum includes various and unique collections of artifacts, which number up to 100,000 pieces). This amazing museum reopened in 2017 after a car bomb attack targeting the Cairo Police Headquarters on the other side of the street which caused considerable damage to the museum and destroyed many artifacts. This paper is presenting an applicable approach (a current project) to enhance the visit to MIA for visually impaired and blind people by manufacturing copies of many collectibles masterpieces. In fact, there are many technological applications which help visual impaired and blind people when visiting museums, but the majority of these applications are expensive and require many arrangements. The objective of this paper is to describe and discuss the production process of selective masterpieces' copies which are produced to be ready for presenting side by side with the original pieces.
A Strategy to Preserve and Promote the Egyptian Traditional HandicraftsThe Egyptian traditional handicrafts are the result of the cumulative experiences of the community which reflects the cultural heritage of the individuals and their relationships with one another, with the available resources and also with the surrounded environment. These traditional handicrafts are varied according to many issues, but in general the result is always artistic and fascinating. In fact, there are many studies about the types of the Egyptian traditional handicrafts. In one hand, there are many studies about the classification and analysis of these handicrafts. In the other hand, there are less studies about how to develop and improve these handicrafts, but the majority of these studies are considering these handicrafts as (art works) …Yes, It is acceptable to consider these traditional handicrafts as art works or artistic artifacts, but this way of thinking is limited and would not be able to promote these handicrafts which wrestle so as not to disappear. This point is the main core of this paper which is presenting and discussing a strategy to preserve and promote the Egyptian traditional handicrafts. The idea here is to think about these handicrafts – not only as art works/artistic artifacts – but also as industrial products. This overarching consideration leads to build specific actions (methods and plans) to achieve goals. The suggested strategy will not be a theoretical proposal, but it depends on realistic discussions, examples, interviews and an actual experience of challenges and alternatives.
التصميم الداخلى التفاعلي ودوره في تسهيل ممارسة األنشطة الرياضية لألطفال ذوى اإلعاقة الحركية جسدياتعتبر الطفولة من أهم مراحلة في حياة اإلنسان، ففي هذه المرحلة في حياة الطفل تنمو القدرات وتتفتح المواهب حيث قابليته المرتفعة لكل أنواع التوجيه والتشكيل في شخصيته. تعد الرياضة من العادات اإليجابية جدا على صحة اإلنسان باالخص األطفال، كما هي مهمة للطفل الطبيعي فهي أكثر أهمية للطفل ذوى اإلعاقة، فال شك أن اإلعاقة تؤثر على صاحبها فهي تقلل من قدرته وتؤثر على نفسيته وتجعل صاحبها غير قادر على اإلندماج مع المجتمع فهو يشعر دائما بالعجز والضعف من داخله وهذا يؤثر عليه باالنطواء والهدوء واالنزواء عن مجتمعه ومن حوله، ولكن كل هذا كان بالماضي أما اآلن فاختلفت نظرة المعاق إلى نفسه وبذلك استطاع أن يغير نظرة العالم إليه وهذا أثر عليه باإليجاب فاستطاع أن يكتشف في نفسه ما يدفعه الى األمام. وتهدف الدراسة إلى أهمية توظيف التصميمات التفاعلية في برامج األنشطة الرياضية و الحيزات الداخلية الذى يمارس بها الطفل ذوى اإلعاقة الحركية لتتوافق مع االحتياجات الخاصة لديه وتمكنه من ممارسة األنشطة الرياضية وفقا للتطور التكنولوجى المعاصر. واتبعت هذا الدراسة المنهج الوصفى التحليلي لوصف و تحليل مفهوم وأنواع األعاقة الحركية واألدوات المستخدمة فى التحرك واالنتقال وإتاحة الوصول والمنهج المسحى لدراسة بعض نماذج أنظمة التصميمات التفاعلية وأثرها على األطفال ذوى اإلعاقة و ما أثر تطبيق تلك األنظمة التفاعلية على تنمية المهارات والتحفيزالعقلى والبدنى للطفل.
Basic Variables of Design Education Approaches Comparison between the Design Education Systems in Egypt and in GermanyThere are many aspects and different variables shaping and affecting on any approach of design education. These differences depending on many related crossed issues such as; the cultural atmosphere (historical background, language, religion …), economy (wealth, poverty…), the political situation (Power, stability, alliances) and mainly the understanding of the concept of design in itself which varies as well, according to the perspective of the users, designers, design researchers and design academics. According to the researcher’s experience which is more than fifteen years studying, teaching and practicing design in Egypt (Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University) and around six years as a PhD candidate in Germany (School of Art and Design, Kassel University Then Braunschweig University of Arts). There are huge differences between the opinions/visions of professors and design teachers in each country. These differences- and other things- lead to many major variables in framing and constructing the curriculums and design subjects which consider as a real challenge to think or to speak about one common language of design education. The idea of this paper based on a qualitative approach, which focuses on framework of the design education systems in Egypt and in Germany. The paper importance came through diagnosis the varied features and the different aspects of the problem, then discussing how to fill the gap between the variables and presenting a viable strategy to reduce these differences and thus tend towards a common design education discipline.
Ways to improve classroom internal environment In view of sustainable design conceptThrough the relationship that closely links the built environment with the human being, through which human comfort and well-being is achieved according to specific criteria that take into consideration according to the nature of the place and its function, schools are educational buildings that specialize in serving the student in the first place. Preparing schools to form a nurturing environment for the student requires this to get to know more about the student and the internal environment of the place where he spends the longest time through enrollment in the school (the classroom), and this study comes to fulfill his needs and desires that may motivate him to belong to this constructed environment with the aim of achieving his comfort and ensure the growth of the integrated integral body socially and psychologically, this aims to apply sustainable design strategies to the internal environment of the classroom, which reflects the importance of the role of the interior designer in meeting the requirements of the space and exploiting it to come out with a sustainable interior design that connects the elements of the physical environment component of the classroom space and provide easy-to-apply application proposals that contribute to reflecting interest on all stakeholders involved in sustainability to achieve energy savings; and finally, sustainability, so as to achieve a healthy, stimulating and supportive internal environment for children, to create an attractive, flexible, educational environment allowing the user to control it according to the surrounding conditions. The problem can be summarized in the following question: In view of the pursuit of support and spatial comfort for the student in the classroom, how can interior design contribute to the application of the concept of sustainability so as to increase the quality of internal environment for the classroom? Objective of the Research : The main objective of this research is to apply sustainable environmental design strategies to the classroom, which in turn is essential in promoting healthy internal environment in the classroom in order to achieve a balance between comfort and efficiency to ensure complementarity between classroom design and student needs; thus, the classroom will be capable of responding quickly and adapting to immediate requirements. Methodology: The research is based on a descriptive analytical and applied approach: through a descriptive study of the elements of internal environment quality associated with sustainable design, as well as the analysis of ways to achieve the utmost benefit from it within the space through the researcher's design vision.
The Mechanisms Used to Measure the Indoor Air Quality in ClassroomsRecently, concerns about the effect of air pollution on school kids have increased. There is a growing body of evidence about asthma's development, as well as the worsening of symptoms of people with asthma, and exposure to air pollutants associated with traffic. For this reason, air quality control in the internal environment is considered one of the important things to monitor pollution levels, assess the appropriateness of the child's environment in the classroom, ensure a safe environment, activate the activities of air filtration, stimulate environmental awareness among the decision makers, and develop technologies according to data. Due to the absence of a standard tool for the data of indoor air quality of classrooms in The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan schools, this research provides: a proposed system to measure air quality. It consists of: distributed sensors connected to a developed system and constitutes a wireless sensor network (WSN). Sensor nods are based on low energy ZigBee movements, and transmit field measurement data to the cloud through a portal. An improved cloud computing system has been applied, monitored, processed and visualized to store the data received from the sensor network.Data-processing shall be implemented and analyzed in the cloud through the application of artificial intelligence techniques, to improve pollutants and compounds technology. The proposed system is: low cost, small-scale, and low energy consumption which can enhance the effectiveness of air quality measurements, therefore a large number of nodes can be published, as well as the provision of the relevant information in order to distribute the air quality in different areas. Carbon dioxide is often considered as reference laboratories for measuring indoor air quality, because its high concentrations indicate that: Conditions of poor ventilation, probable accumulation of pollutants in indoor air. This is mainly related to technical difficulties in monitoring the quality of indoor air in classrooms, in contrast staff members and students inside the classroom relate ventilation to thermal comfort instead of the quality of indoor air (2: page 556), through the control of the mechanisms of direct exchange with the external air, regardless of the conditions of external air quality, and the exposure to pollutants, which arising from the surrounding environment in general, especially schools neighboring public roads.
The Importance of Upgrading Mosque Furniture and AccessoriesAbstract: A Mosque is the heart of the Islamic architecture. Since the dawn of Islam until now, mosques are still considered one of the most important places and facilities for Muslims. Muslims gather for prayer inside the mosque five times a day, where a mosque purpose is not only for worshiping, but also as a meeting point for Islamic social and intellectual activities that usually reflect religious identity. Indeed, Muslims are doing all their best to preserve and maintain their mosques as an overarching privilege that enhances their religious, social and cultural interactions. Despite the unlimited number of mosques all over the world and the noticeable increasing interest in developing their architectural, structural, fundamental elements, there is a less interest in developing, modernizing and updating the mosque furniture and its accessories. Accordingly, this research paper mainly focuses on clarifying the importance of developing these furniture and accessories that meet the physical and psychological requirements of the mosque visitors (worshipers) as these items and accessories enhance and improve worshipers’ experience inside mosques. In a sequential manner, the paper is a brief for the evolving role of the mosque (from ancient times until today), and then explains its value as an Islamic architectural beacon. The paper goes into depth in diagnosing and discussing significant needs for updating mosque furniture and accessories, by highlighting weakness or shedding light on what is not available. In this context, the researcher presents and discusses many contemporary design paths for mosque furniture, in addition to clarifying many different ideas for accessories by presenting drawings and details of many design ideas for contemporary mosque furniture (Footwear shelving system, locker system, chairs …). Moreover, it is highlighting some contemporary ideas for various accessories, such as: The Holy Quran reading holder and the central chandeliers in the mosque.
An investigation into mathematical skills requirements for engineering apprenticeship: Action research in the advanced manufacturing courseThe City and Guilds qualification is an integral part of the UK vocational qualification framework. The Advanced and Higher apprenticeship is the backbone of vocational qualification. The new generation of engineers gets trained in the Further Education colleges by pursuing Level 3 vocational qualification after completing the secondary education. Mathematics plays an essential role within the education and engineering profession, used as an investigation tool in current research. This study investigates the impact of various assessments, including diagnostic assessments conducted before starting a training program. This research is a first attempt to set up the framework through the action research methodology to identify the underpinning issues that affect the students' performance in the apprenticeship program. Level 3 advanced engineering apprenticeship students were assigned generic tasks to solve simple engineering math problems with three categories of questions, "General," "Mixed," and "Subject-specific" type, in two-phase tests. The results revealed that general math questions were familiar to the participants while more industry-specific questions took longer or some learners failed to resolve them. Based on the results obtained, it is identified that the specific engineering calculations are found to be difficult for students to solve, where the math application is not clearly taught as part of the general education in schools. Therefore, introducing these topics as “Masterclasses” before the actual apprenticeship training begins will benefit the learners throughout the education and engineering career until the national curriculum is updated.