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dc.contributor.authorMian Qaisar, Saeed
dc.contributor.authorOudah, Reem Fuad
dc.contributor.authorNisar, Humaira
dc.identifier.citationIn the context of cloud-based mobile healthcare systems, continuous multichannel electroencephalogram (EEG) signals acquisition, processing, transmission, and analysis is required. The conventional BCI (Brain to computer interface) systems are time-invariant and can have the disadvantage of capturing redundant information. It leads to a waste of system ressources and power consumption. In this context, this chapter presents an original approach of realizing the adaptive rate signal acquisition and processing chain for the cloud-based BCI. The objective is to achieve a real-time compression gain in order to attain effective EEG signal processing, transmission, and analysis in the context of realizing a proficient cloud-based BCI framework. The signal is enhanced in this study by the use of the method of adaptive rate filtering. Attributes are derived from the conditioned signal using a hybrid method. Afterward, robust classifiers are used to classify different intended EEG signal classes. The performance of the system is studied by using a standard data set of motor imagery tasks. The devised approach is able to achieve appreciable compression gain and computational improvement when compared with the traditional methods. The system also produces a good classification accuracy.
dc.description.abstractIn the context of cloud-based mobile healthcare systems, continuous multichannel electroencephalogram (EEG) signals acquisition, processing, transmission, and analysis is required. The conventional BCI (Brain to computer interface) systems are time-invariant and can have the disadvantage of capturing redundant information. It leads to a waste of system ressources and power consumption. In this context, this chapter presents an original approach of realizing the adaptive rate signal acquisition and processing chain for the cloud-based BCI. The objective is to achieve a real-time compression gain in order to attain effective EEG signal processing, transmission, and analysis in the context of realizing a proficient cloud-based BCI framework. The signal is enhanced in this study by the use of the method of adaptive rate filtering. Attributes are derived from the conditioned signal using a hybrid method. Afterward, robust classifiers are used to classify different intended EEG signal classes. The performance of the system is studied by using a standard data set of motor imagery tasks. The devised approach is able to achieve appreciable compression gain and computational improvement when compared with the traditional methods. The system also produces a good classification accuracy.
dc.publisherCRC Press
dc.titleEffective Brain–Computer Interface Based on the Adaptive-Rate Processing and Classification of Motor Imagery Tasks
dc.typeBook chapter
dc.source.booktitleBrain and Behavior Computing
dc.contributor.researcherElectrical and Computer Engineering

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